Going.... Going...

12 Years of Dust and Accumulated Tools

The pack up is proceeding apace. Something like twenty pallets are groaning beneath all the important 'stuff' 

acumulated over the past twelve years.Three internal walls have been reduced by the sheds termite squad to pallet sides, one 

bench top and shelf as well as trips to the tip. Perhaps by the end of next week the remaining two walls will be gone. We are on 

track to be ready for the big move to the New Shed which we hope and pray will occur at the end of May.

An on site meeting tomorrow morning should confirm the state of the shed and confirm the move in date. I will let you know of these developments.

All going well the removalist will be booked, a forklift will be booked in, and this bring us to a bit of a stalemate. Although Kennards.

Once the finish up date at the old shed (sniff) is determined I shall let you know the date and location of the first morning tea.

All the best and looking forward to the relocating.