The Port Macquarie Shed currently has over 63 members, Men who have mostly retired ranging in the age from mid fifties to over 90.

Our members come from all walks of life and professions. Some of our members have had hands on experience in their professions such as ex horse trainers, farmers, carpenters, truck drivers and builders. Others were more white collar workers such as accountants, public service workers, hospitality workers and fitness instructors.

Alan Joined the Men’s Shed over 8 years ago and said “you can only read so many books and I like to be creative and to meet others with like ideas”

In September 2022, old Bob ( a member for over 12 years) made his last visit to the Mens’ shed. He liked having the company of all the other men and great friendships he formed over the years. He was lost to us just short of his 96 birthday, a few weeks later.

Most of our members joined the Hastings Men’s Shed for similar reasons, they wanted to keep active, learn new skills and have conversations with like minded people.

Scott, a member for the over 10 years, said that “Retirement was something that never appealed. The Men’s Shed offered an excellent alternative to boredom and daytime television. Joining has proven to be one of my most worth while decisions. Attending the Shed gives me a worthwhile purpose. I can’t imagine how boring life would be, personally without it. Seeing the joy on the faces of some of our customers when they see their almost written off chair, table or piece of furniture resurrected is great. We keep so much good gear of many types in circulation rather then on the tip, its good for the community and the environment.”