We have our Occupation Certificate. The Shed is Officially Ours.

HOORAY, Our new Men's Shed is officially open, as of around 11.00am this morning. The much anticipated Occupation Certificate has been released by Council.


Now my friends, we are officially able to commence work in earnest to set up the Shed. 

A good number of our members attended the 'Grand Opening' by The Hon Leslie Williams Member for Port Macquarie. At long long last the naysayers have been proved wrong. The project is completed, at least The Men's Shed side which to us is all that really matters.


We may drill holes in walls and floors to our hearts content. In fact we did begin last week to install the frames for our paint room. Tomorrow, Tuesday, we will begin the metal room framing and with a bit of luck might be finished the framing by Thursday. 

Unpacking all our Gear and Put Up the Steel Framing


That will leave the cladding of the walls, shifting of lights and power points, painting, mounting the last store room cupboards, installing a new drop saw bench, setting up the kitchen, loading those store shelves, making doors for the paint and metal rooms plus more. Of course the workload will depend upon the number of toilers attending the shed.


As you will doubtless realise there will be no time for private jobs for a couple of weeks so as to concentrate our efforts on the set up. Then we may set to with a vengance.


Hope to see you in the Shed


Opening Soon

The shed is ready for the next step - the setting up. So, my friends, members of the shed are most welcome to arrive from 8.00am on Monday the 16th of October to participate in the said setting up. Without a doubt there will be work for one and all.

The fridge is on and we know where the urn is. We think we can locate tea and coffee. The location of the cups, plates and cutlery, well, they are in the shed, somewhere. If I were you I would bring my own eating and drinking gear, just in case.

We hope to soon have the ‘Occupation Certificate’ and to start taking requests for work again.

Watch this space….



After weeks of preparation, all in one day it is GONE.

Our team has excelled itself once again. The expected two-day moving event was completed in one good day. At one point the stream of our blokes loading timber planks reminded me of ants carrying leaves back to their nest.

You deserve a coffee, and, I will shout you all one next Tuesday.

Our sincere thanks to the blokes from the removalists as well. They worked quickly and efficiently loading and delivering eleven loads to our New Shed. Their tireless labouring reminded me of the sort of pace and strength I once, nah, let’s not go there.

Of course, at the other end Dennis, Joe, Allan and Steve struggled to keep up with the flow of pallets. Allan believes the pallets rubbing together in the trucks caused them to multiply. That must be the reason as there seems to be more pallets at their end than filled the old shed. Fair dinkum there does seem to be more than any of us thought. And more than the project manager thought too.

Oh yes, when eventually you head to the New Shed at the end of August, hopefully, the address you set your GPS to is Unit 2 227 Oxley Highway Port Macquarie NSW 2444.

Going.... Going...

12 Years of Dust and Accumulated Tools

The pack up is proceeding apace. Something like twenty pallets are groaning beneath all the important 'stuff' 

acumulated over the past twelve years.Three internal walls have been reduced by the sheds termite squad to pallet sides, one 

bench top and shelf as well as trips to the tip. Perhaps by the end of next week the remaining two walls will be gone. We are on 

track to be ready for the big move to the New Shed which we hope and pray will occur at the end of May.

An on site meeting tomorrow morning should confirm the state of the shed and confirm the move in date. I will let you know of these developments.

All going well the removalist will be booked, a forklift will be booked in, and this bring us to a bit of a stalemate. Although Kennards.

Once the finish up date at the old shed (sniff) is determined I shall let you know the date and location of the first morning tea.

All the best and looking forward to the relocating.

The Long Process of Packing Up.

From this week onward we will be concentrating on preparing, packing and cleaning out the old shed before we can move into the new site in the Spring.

This involves many trips to the tip and preparing of pallet boxes to cart the multitude of tools, machines, nuts, bolts, screws and tins of paint which have accumulated over the last ten years.

How will we ever find anything again when we unpack?