Morning Tea/Coffee

Our New Office Space

Benches, Saws, Sanders and Shedders

We are of course, just opening the new shed and working out where everything will now go. We break up into teams to tackle the many jobs to be done…

A More Typical Day at the Shed

starts when you arrive, sign the attendance book and pay the nominal daily attendance fee.

You may then wish to join into a conversation or two or go to a job you and other shedders are working on. It may be sanding a chair or putting new legs on an outdoor table. Whatever the project, you can certainly ask if you may join in or just watch as they work.

If there are not work project requiring your assistance, you may have a private job you wish to work on. You simply get a private job sheet signed off and donate for the materials required and get on with it.

Morning Tea/Coffee

Promptly at 10am the bell will sound and morning tea break will commence. You will be required to stop, down tools join everyone around the breakroom table for a tea/coffee break. There always seems to be cake or a slice of something to go with a cuppa.

Soon after, most men will resume there activities, be it admin, playing solitaire, cleaning around the machinery or measuring and cutting material for projects or private jobs.


At noon, the bell is rung again to break for lunch. Time to down tools again. Some may go home at this time or off to doctors appointment or to get something from a nearby café. Most men will have some lunch with them and make a cup of tea or coffee and have lunch. After a while each person will again return to there chosen activities and continue until they are ready to leave.

Sometime before 3pm, everyone will tidy up the bench they are working at and start turn off the lights.

Sign out and go Home.

Another day at the Hastings Mensshed is complete. We hope to see you all again tomorrow or whenever you next wish to visit.